Welcome to One Word Church
Vision: To be a kingdom of believers and disciples empowered to be catalysts throughout the world for Godly spiritual and economic progress- Mission: To facilitate reconciliation with God the Father and improve individual and family quality of life through teaching and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.o To impact our communities locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally through the empowerment of families and sharing our faith in Christ.o To feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and shelter the homeless.o To develop and empower believers to impact nations through the Word of God.- Core Value Empowerment - It is the unselfish giving of one’s self, resources, and relationships to equip others with the ability to succeed in whatever endeavor they have been commissioned to perform.
Valued Partnerships
MU is geared towards developing godly character within men. MU is also geared towards helping men to be purposeful in their everyday lives. We do this by teaching men about Purpose, Destiny and Legacy and determining what legacy they will establish and leave behind.
The Strength of Sisterhood Empowerment Group is designed to be a safe haven environment for women from all walks of life to and be healed, strengthened, encouraged and empowered to step into the call and destiny for which God has ordained them.
One Word Church is To be a kingdom of believers and disciples empowered to be catalysts throughout the world for Godly spiritual and economic progress.
Sunday Worship
10:00 AM
Due to the current state regarding COVID-19, One Word Church's service this coming Sunday will be streamed online to our Facebook page.
Bible Study
07:00 PM Every Tuesday
We are currently involved in a bible study entitled "30 Life Principles, An Action Plan for Living the Principles Each Day" by Dr. Charles F. Stanley
06:30 PM Every Tuesday
Join us as we pray to our Father God in the name of Jesus for our families, nation, churches and the world at large.
Contact Us
Ask a question, share a story, or sign up for updates.
14627 Jefferson Davis Hwy
Woodbridge, VA 22191